Ryan has been making films for over a decade. From scripted narrative filmmaking to music videos and now to documentary, he continues to experiment with different ways of telling stories. When Ryan isn't planning his next film project, he splits his time between Los Angeles and the Bay Area, where he directs branded content and works as a video strategist. His work has been Vimeo Staff Picked and featured in Juxtapoz, IdN, Kotaku, and Vice.
Ryan Glenn
Ryan has been making films for over a decade. From scripted narrative filmmaking to music videos and now to documentary, he continues to experiment with different ways of telling stories. When Ryan isn't planning his next film project, he splits his time between Los Angeles and the Bay Area, where he directs branded content and works as a video strategist. His work has been Vimeo Staff Picked and featured in Juxtapoz, IdN, Kotaku, and Vice.
Despite a happy childhood in Boston, Sarah was eager to relocate to as foreign of a city as she could find within the continental United States. Settling temporarily in Tucson ignited not only a deep passion and respect for the American Southwest, but spawned many collaborative creative partnerships within Tucson’s vibrant local arts scene and independent filmmaking community. Sarah currently works as a Line Producer in Los Angeles; primarily in commercials, music videos, and short films. It’s with great pleasure that Sarah gets to return to Arizona for Forest of Big Fingers, reuniting her love of short non-fiction work with her nostalgic passion for the Southwest.
Sarah Haber
Despite a happy childhood in Boston, Sarah was eager to relocate to as foreign of a city as she could find within the continental United States. Settling temporarily in Tucson ignited not only a deep passion and respect for the American Southwest, but spawned many collaborative creative partnerships within Tucson’s vibrant local arts scene and independent filmmaking community. Sarah currently works as a Line Producer in Los Angeles; primarily in commercials, music videos, and short films. It’s with great pleasure that Sarah gets to return to Arizona for Forest of Big Fingers, reuniting her love of short non-fiction work with her nostalgic passion for the Southwest.
Director of Photogrpahy
John has spent most of the last decade working with cameras in film and television and his own documentary photography. This work has taken him through scripted narrative, documentary, commercial, and music video projects with friends and strangers the world over. His interests are wide-ranging but his roots are in Central and Southern Arizona and this film presents an opportunity to examine and re-examine one of the icons of his childhood.
John Roney
John has spent most of the last decade working with cameras in film and television and his own documentary photography. This work has taken him through scripted narrative, documentary, commercial, and music video projects with friends and strangers the world over. His interests are wide-ranging but his roots are in Central and Southern Arizona and this film presents an opportunity to examine and re-examine one of the icons of his childhood.